Thursday, 11 May 2023

Back in the Day before puncture proof Tyres I used......

 .... Mr Tuffy Tape! On my work bike because it wasn`t much fun cycling home after a 12 hour shift in unlit lanes and with the rain lashing down and the Puncture Fairy would make an appearance! Mr Tuffy tape was a thin roll of plastic that sat between the inner tube and tyre.


The only drawback I found was after awhile the Mr Tuffy would chafe the inner tube and your end up getting a puncture anyway!

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Back in July 2015 I started a Facebook Group called......

 .....Cycling in Essex Plus, the reason I started this group was firstly I was unable to cycle for 18 months following an accident and secondly I couldn't see anything else on Facebook that had cycling News or Events in just Essex!

But after 7 years of posting up to 3 post everyday and spending over 5 hours a day on Facebook mostly on this group I decided to call it a day on 31st January 2023. Gave the members of the group all 560 of them a month notice and as nobody volunteer to take over running it, Cycling in Essex Plus is no more!

I still post occasionally about Cycling News & Events in Essex but in other Groups Facebook groups and spending a lot less time  on Facebook.

This Photo was taken in June 2014 and I used it for the cover Photo for Cycling in Essex Plus